Narrative Jumps

Narrative Jumps

Direct Connections

Direct Connections

Filtered Topoi Map: Jumps and Direct Connections

Here we present the topoi map of the novel filtered (on the left) to show only narrative ‘jumps’; and (on the right) to show only ‘direct’ connections. As can be seen, by far the most prevalent connection type is the ‘jump’. This speaks to the novel’s episodic structure, with the narration moving across London (and occasionally beyond), jumping across time and space as it does so. Filtering the novel for direct connections generates a much more dispersed visualisation of its spatial structure, with most nodes disconnected from one another. Those which are connected to one another are readily identifiable as relating to specific stories within the novel: Tanty’s trip to Lyons Corner House on Great Portland Street; Galahad’s date with Daisy; Galahad’s trip to the Labour Exchange; and the opening passage in which Moses meets Galahad fresh off the boat train at Waterloo.

The tools used to make these visualisations are available on Github at