
Syuzhet Map

In terms of location it is unsurprising that the two dominant nodes for the syuzhet map of 'Home at Grasmere' are those of the title itself and of 'Grasmere Valley'. The place of the poem is strongly centred upon this nook at the heart of the Lake District.  At the same time, however, the map is telling in that it also immediately shows how much of the time and space of the poem is not of the 'now'. Instead much of the poem functions in either retrospective or anticipatory time and space and so is represented in orange lines that deviate from the (purple) actuality of present time and place.  The poem recalls multiple arrivals in this place ('journey to Grasmere') and dwells in reflection or recollection more than it does directly on home-making.  Swirling around the location itself are the hopes and fears of the poet who has returned triumphantly but must now prove himself to himself and validate that decision.

The tools used to make these visualisations are available on Github at