Sally Bushell, James Butler, Duncan Hay, Rebecca Hutcheon and Alex Butterworth, "Chronotopic Cartography: Mapping Literary Time-Space", Journal of Victorian Culture, April 2021.
A series of articles on space and literature as part of the British Library's Discovering Literature series:
Sally Bushell, "J R R Tolkien as map-maker in The Hobbit",
Sally Bushell, "Narnian portals",
Sally Bushell, "The many forms of Peter Pan",
James O. Butler, "Mervyn Peake’s Gormenghast Castle and the defining role(s) of names",
Rebecca Hutcheon, "Time and space in Lewis Caroll’s dream-worlds",
Sally Bushell, "Home and homelessness in William Wordsworth’s ‘The Ruined Cottage’",
Guest edited Special Issue: Literary Geographies: “Mapping Space; Mapping Time; Mapping Texts” (2021/22). A selection of twelve papers from our hosted 2020 Conference including two papers by the team:
Rebecca Hutcheon and Duncan Hay, "Introduction: Mapping Space, Mapping Time, Mapping Texts in the Twenty-First Century."
Sally Bushell and James O. Butler, "Mapping Robinson Crusoe for the Twenty-First Century."
Two linked papers in Cartographica (Forthcoming 2022):
"Digital Literary Mapping I: The Potential of Literary Topology"
"Digital Literary Mapping II: A Visual-Verbal Method for Interpretation"
Related Publications
Sally Bushell, Spatialising the Literary Text: Reading and Mapping (Cambridge: CUP; 2020). 130,000 word monograph.
Sally Bushell, "Unmapping John Clare: Circularity, Linearity, Temporality," Romantic Cartographies, eds. Sally Bushell Julia Carlson and Damian Walford-Davies (Cambridge, CUP, 2020).
Sally Bushell, "Paratext or Imagetext: Interpreting the Fictional Map", Word and Image, 32 (Summer 2016): 181-194.
Sally Bushell, "Mapping Literature: Spatialising the Literary Work", in Literary Mapping in the Digital Age eds. David Cooper, Chris Donaldson and Patricia Murietta-Flores. (London: Routledge, 2016): 125-146.
Sally Bushell, "The Map in Victorian Adventure Fiction: Doubleness, Silence and the Ur-Map in Treasure Island and King Solomon's Mines", Victorian Studies 57.4 (2015): pp. 611-637.
Sally Bushell, "The Slipperiness of Literary Maps: Critical Cartography and Literary Cartography", Cartographica 47 (3) (2012): 149-60.
Butler, J.O. (2021) "Situational contexts in namescape mapping: connecting the creative roles, relationships, and referential issues in geoparsing fiction", Names 69 (Unknown no. at this time) [accepted, publication pending]
Butler, J.O. "From Wordsworth's Lakes to Wonderland: Mapping literary spaces through chronotopically-defined connections" in: Robbins, D. [ed.] A Handbook for Literary Onomastics. [Under editorial review]
Butler, J.O. (2015) "Etched from stone: A Semantic Tour of Gormenghast's Onomastic Construction". Studies in Gothic Fiction 4, 78–86.
Butler, J.O., Donaldson, C.E., Taylor, J.E., and Gregory, I.N. (2017) "Alts, Abbreviations, and AKAs: Historical onomastic variation and automated named entity recognition". Journal of Map and Geography Libraries 13, 58-81.
Butler, J.O. (2017) "Mindcrafting: The use of naming techniques to aid cognitive mapping within a virtual environment", Simulation & Gaming 48, 588-602.
Butler, J.O. "Naming at Play in the Lake District: The Role of Onomastics in Ransome's Swallow & Amazons series", Nomina. 39, 77-96.
Rebecca Hutcheon, "George Gissing's The Nether World and Clerkenwell', and 'George Gissing's Thyrza and Lambeth", in The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Urban Literary Studies, ed. Jeremy Tambling (Palgrave-Macmillan, 2018)
Rebecca Hutcheon "The Dangers of the Palace of Art", pp. p. 159-176 in Gissing's World Within the World: Art and the Artist, Maria Teresa Chialant, Emanuela Ettorre, and Christine Huguet, eds. (Arcane Editric, 2018)
Rebecca Hutcheon, Writing Place: Mimesis, Subjectivity and Imagination in the Works of George Gissing (Routledge, 2018). 100,000 word monograph
Rebecca Hutcheon, "Born in Exile, Bakhtin, and the Double-Voiced Discourse of the Epistolary Form" in The Gissing Journal, 51:2 (2017): pp. 1-26
Rebecca Hutcheon, "The Dangers of Fiction: Reading and Mis-reading the Country House" in English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920, 60:3 (2017): pp. 341-358
Rebecca Hutcheon and Ralph Pite, Romantic Bristol: Writing the City, University of Bristol, 2015, Vers. 1.0.5. Apple App Store, Retrieved from
Rebecca Hutcheon, "Mapping the City: the problems with mimesis in George Gissing's The Nether World" in The Gissing Journal, 50:2 (2014)