Dr Maria Paz Munoz-Herranz

Senior Lecturer in Synthetic Chemistry

Research Overview

Dr Muñoz is an organic chemist with particular interest in the discovery and development of new organic and organometallic reactions, the use of physical-organic-inorganic chemistry knowledge to study the mechanisms involved, in particular using isotopic labelling, kinetics, simulations and NMR techniques, and the application of the knowledge acquire to the synthesis of small organic and organometallic molecules with potential biological activity.

Her current research involves the discovery and development of novel transition metal-catalysed reactions of allenes, including novel gold-paltinum bimetallic catalytic strategies, the use of allenes as novel ligand frameworks, and the use of organometallic complexes as metalodrugs.

Informal enquiries about self-funded opportunities are welcome.

Adventures on allene chemistry: from bimetallic catalysis to new metallodrugs
Invited talk

Chemistry (Organisational unit)
Member of Advisory Panel

IUPAC Global Women's breakfast 2025
Types of Business and Community - Hosting of external, non-academic visitor

Chemistry outreach event: School talk - Organic Chemistry in our everyday life
Types of Public engagement and outreach - Festival/Exhibition

Chemistry – Biology collaborations in the quest to find the treatments of the future
Invited talk

NCCPE training: engaging communities and working together course
Types of Public engagement and outreach - Festival/Exhibition

Lancaster Chemistry Academia-Industry Symposium

b-N-Stabilised gold carbenes
Oral presentation

Robust b-N-stabilised gold carbenes for catalysis and medicinal applications
Invited talk

Undergraduate Programme Examiner (Organic chemistry)
Expert Opinion

Keep calm, it is only chemistry!
Public Lecture/ Debate/Seminar

Chemistry (Organisational unit)
Member of Advisory Panel

OCCA Indsutry Insight event
Types of Business and Community - Hosting of external, non-academic visitor

Campus in the City

Chemistry (Organisational unit)
Member of Advisory Panel

Launch event for the MChem (with Industrial Placement) degree at Lancaster University

Chemistry (Organisational unit)
Member of Advisory Panel

The Impact of Synthetic Chemistry in Biosciences:from method development to new drug-type molecules and diagnostics
Invited talk

PhD viva - internal examiner

Bis(pyridyl)allenes as Versatile Ligands for Novel Metal Complexes
Invited talk

Interview Panel for PDRA post in Engineering department at LU

PhD international report

Grant reviewing
Expert Opinion

Poster presentation

Unravelling the secrets of metal-allene chemistry and beyond:chemistry in action for sustainable development
Public Lecture/ Debate/Seminar

International PhD examination

A whistle-stop tour through my research (mainly) on metal-allene chemistry, future research plans and possible collaborations
Oral presentation

  • Chemical Synthesis
  • Organic Research Group