New degree (MChem with Industrial Placement) launch event a success

The Department of Chemistry at Lancaster University celebrated the launch of the new MChem with Industrial Placement degree with a half-day event on the 11th October.
The day was introduced by the Head of the Department with a brief overview of Lancaster Chemistry and showcased the structure of the new programme (talk by the Industrial Placement Coordinator), the support available at Lancaster (talks from the careers and the Students Engagement Team) and through the RSC for students to find and apply for placements, and a fantastic selection of available placements from representatives of different chemical industries (AstraZeneca, Charles Rivers, Syngenta, Sika, Sygnature Discovery, Victrex, Pharmaron and The Vita group).
The event was well attended by Lancaster staff, including Faculty representatives, current first and second-year students, industrial reps and school teachers. After the talks, there was a lively networking event with refreshments provided by LU and Calyxdrinks, where people had the chance to talk to some of our sponsors at their stands (Shimazdu, OCCA, The Yordas Group, RSC).
The organisers would like to thank all our online and in person speakers and our generous sponsors (RSC, Sygnature Discovery, Charles Rivers, Pharmaron, Key Organics, Shimazdu, The Yordas Group, OCCA and Calyxdrinks) and the Faculty of Science and Technology at LU for their support through the FST Engagement Fund.
Several Lancaster chemistry students have requested the transfer from their current studies to the new degree, and we will be supporting them to find placements for the 2025/26 academic year.
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