Who's who in the Chaplaincy team...

Buddhist Advisor – Paul Taylor
Paul is a lay minister in the Soto Zen Buddhist tradition and worked at the University for a number of years. He looks after the campus Zen Meditation Group and jointly helps organise Faithshare termly interfaith meetings. Contact Paul

Chinese Christian Fellowship Pastoral Worker – Monica Li
Monica Li is part of the Chinese Overseas Christian Mission (COCM), working with students in the Chinese Christian Fellowship (CCF) which meets in the Chaplaincy Centre every Friday at 7pm during term time. Contact Monica

Friends International – Sally Miller
The Friends International Lancaster team support international students on campus and represent a variety of local churches in welcoming those from all over to the world to Lancaster.
Sally came up to Lancaster as a student at the University and has never left! With Friends International Lancaster, she enjoys welcoming students from all over the world to Lancaster and learning more about other cultures. Contact Sally

Jewish Chaplain – Rabbi Natan Fagleman
Natan Fagleman works with students in Liverpool and the Northwest. Growing up in Manchester, he knows a thing or two about the area. He is married to Avital who also hails from Manchester and they have three young children. He has worked as both as a teacher and a rabbi and has strong pastoral skills as a result. He enjoys helping people, and especially enjoy working with students. Contact Natan
Quaker Chaplain – Phil Chandler
Phil represents our Quaker group on campus and coordinates their weekly Meeting for Worship. He is also involved in planning and supporting our termly interfaith gatherings, as well as contributing to the ever popular soup lunches during Welcome Week. Phil is happy to meet with students to chat about Quaker beliefs or practice, or about the merits of good coffee and theatre. Contact Phil