Tim Edensor: Sensory and Affective Engagements with Stone

A dry-stone wall build with a sculptural circular hole in the middle, housing a large rock.

Published by Jen Southern

Friday, August 9th, 2024

In October 2023 Cemore hosted the ‘Rocky Futures’ conference theme for the 21st Annual Conference of the International Association for the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility (T²M) organised by T2M and the Academy of Mobility Humanities at Konkuk University.

We were delighted to host Professor Tim Edensor’s keynote lecture titled ‘Sensory and Affective Engagements with Stone’ which set the agenda for our discussions of rocky futures. Exploring three themes the presentation discusses the affective impact of stone in urban contexts and how it changes the sensory experience of mobility within the city, the intimate engagements and movements of skilled practitioners working with stone, and the way in which stone markings haunt the city with histories and traces of mobility.  

The full video recording of his talk is now available here.

More information about the Lancaster event is here in our previous post.

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