Cemore regularly hosts talks, seminars and workshops and we often make recordings of these events and about our research. We record in a variety of formats which are high quality where possible, but also include responsive mobile recordings. This section gathers together all recordings, but they can also be found in relevant events, projects, people and posts.

You can find our recording archive here

Recordings Updates

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Historical Mobilities

Historical Mobilities

Are alternative ways of modelling the relationship between past, present and future in order to move historical and/or text-based mobilities research rather more to the centre?

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The View from Outside – a Visiting Fellow’s Report

The View from Outside – a Visiting Fellow’s Report

Ole Jensen talks about his time as a visiting fellow. “Hopefully this ‘traveler’s letter’ gives a small account of the benefits and positive outcome of my Visiting Fellowship. It cannot possibly justify the many ideas and inputs I had, but those will be surfacing during the time to come in various settings amongst one surely will be CeMoRe to which I am very pleased to keep up my affiliation.”

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24 February 2016: From Resonance to Interference: The Architecture of Concepts and the Relationships among Philosophy, Art and Science in Deleuze and Deleuze and Guattari

24 February 2016: From Resonance to Interference: The Architecture of Concepts and the Relationships among Philosophy, Art and Science in Deleuze and Deleuze and Guattari

The upcoming Mobilities Reading Group will take place Wednesday, 24 February from 4PM-5PM in the Mobilities Lab (Bowland North B37, Lancaster University). This week’s reading is Arkady Plotnitsky’s “From Resonance to Interference: The Architecture of Concepts and the...

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Debt Mobilities

Debt Mobilities

What happens when people start to default on their loans and when they cannot, or will not, repay? Joe Deville discusses his recently published book, Lived Economies of Default

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The Bridge Project

The Bridge Project

The Bridge Project, funded under the EU FP7 Security Theme, is one amongst several international efforts to support professionals and volunteers in mobilising information and resources for disaster response.

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