Mobile Utopia Special Issue is Out!
Dear colleague The special issue ‘Mobilities and Utopias: A Critical Reorientation’ Volume 15 Issue 1, is out! It arose from the conference ‘Mobile Utopia: pasts - presents – futures’ held at Lancaster University, UK in November 2017: Mobilities and Utopias: A...
DecarboN8 considers societal readiness of innovations in climate change technology and policy
The first DecarboN8 Workshop aims to explore the scale of the challenge and put the ambition of proposed innovations (in practice, technology, and policy) into context. How are we doing in relation to the targets set in Paris in 2015, how can we enhance the societal...
Healthcare, Mobilities and National Health Systems Workshop Agenda
People move across international borders, often along unpredictable paths. Systems for the delivery of healthcare are largely fixed in place. This workshop is designed to foster discussion of healthcare and mobility, drawing on the insights of interdisciplinary...
Apply Now: EPSRC DecarboN8 Research Funding Call No# 1
We are pleased to announce that the first DecarboN8 seedcorn funding call is now open for applications. For detail, visit the DecarboN8 Network Website. For a quick overview, see below. For full details and application forms please visit our funding page. The deadline...
Panel @ Im|mobile lives in turbulent times: Methods and Practices of Mobilities Research
We're planning a panel on Applied Mobilities and Mobile Methods at Im|mobile lives in turbulent times: Methods and Practices of Mobilities Research The conference takes place 9-10 July 2020, at Northumbria University. More soon here. For more information about the...
New Project: Doctors within Borders
Summary: Contemporary healthcare systems assume that the people for whom they provide care belong to populations that are largely settled. Yet, we know that people are moving, with migration and health a challenging issue in contemporary society. How do health systems...
Practices of car parking and the infrastructure of immobility – Karol Kurnicki
Practices of car parking and the infrastructure of immobility Karol Kurnicki, Institute of Advanced Study, Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies, University of Warwick,, @karol_kurnicki CeMoRe Seminar, 12th November 2019, Bowland North B67 My...
Why Fly? Sheffield Symposium on ‘Reducing academic flying’
Will I never fly again? As I'm preparing a short talk on the compulsions of proximity and connected presence of academic flying, I'm re-reading Dede Boden and Harvey Molotch's 'Compulsion of Proximity', Christian Licoppe's 'Connected Presence' and Jen Southern's...
Mobilities: August 2019 Issue 4
Mobilities: August 2019 Issue 4 A curated collection on the theme of 'digital technologies': Digital navigation and the driving-machine: Supervision, calculation, optimization, recognition Sam Hind Anticipating digital futures: Ruins, entanglements and possibilities...
DecarboN8 Network Launch 25th November 2019
25th November (Leeds) DecarboN8 Launch Event An introduction to DecarboN8’s place-based approach to decarbonisation for transport across the North of England. A full day event including insight from leading researchers and organisations in the field as well as...
Previous Cemore Fellowships
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