Making Mobilities
On June 5th researchers and artists who focus on mobilities met at Lancaster University to present their work. The day began with presentations given by specialists that use wearable technology in their work. The workshop was for people of varying abilities and...
Cumbrian Coin Tree – Mobilities Reading Group A little slideshow with sound to accompany the reading for the July 15, 2015 Mobilities Reading Group meeting, Ceri Houlbrook's "The Mutability of Meaning: Contextualizing the Cumbrian Coin-Tree".
Uppies and Downies Video
Smell Walk
Sensory Interviews – Shaking Hands
What Cannot Be Captured
Moment Disappeared
Mobile Ethnography with Mobile Devices
Hands on Research
Memento Mori
Previous Cemore Fellowships
Rachel Aldred Tarini Bedi David Bissell Owen Chapman Cathy Coleborne Martin Emanuel Tricia Flanagan Ole B Jensen Jamie O’Brien Nikki Pugh Robin Smith Holly Thorpe
Previous Visitors
Thiago Allis Zofia Bednarowska Kornelia Hahn Claus Lassen Camila Dos Santos Moraes Bianca Freire Medeiros Miriam Schreiter
To apply for Cemore Fellowship, please see here. Cemore also warmly welcomes visitors. To find out more, please contact Aurora Trujillo.