12 August 2015: Dromoscopy
The upcoming Mobilities Reading Group will take place Wednesday, 12 August from 4PM-5PM in the Mobilities Lab (Bowland North B37, Lancaster University). This week's reading, "Dromoscopy", comes from Paul Virilio's Negative Horizon, and presents a different perspective...
Drone over Data Centre
In this video Adam Fish expertly pilots the Mobilities Lab drone over a Data Centre on an old NATO base in Iceland. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6c4UMFT25A
5 August 2015: an extraordinary Bergson Mobilities Reading Group
Following the interest in last week's reading of Henri Bergson's "The Cinematographical Mechanism of Thought and the Mechanistic Illusion" we will be having a special edition of the Mobilities Reading Group this week, looking at Jimena Canales' article "Desired...
29 July 2015: The Cinematographical Mechanism of Thought and the Mechanistic Illusion
The upcoming Mobilities Reading Group will take place in the Mobilities Lab (Bowland North B37) Wednesday July 29, 2015 from 4PM to 5PM. The reading is Chapter 4 f rom Henri Bergson's Creative Evolution. All are welcome to attend! From Monika Büscher: "I feel I have...
Alex Hagaard – Medical Mobilities
http://www.slideshare.net/SaraProcter/alex-hagaard Alex Hagaard - Biomedical background, focusing on design of healthcare interactions. ahaagaard@pdronline.co.uk Page through the slides as you listen to the audio both above.
Patricia Flanagan – Making Mobilities
http://www.slideshare.net/SaraProcter/patricia-flanagan-50725822 Patricia Flanagan - Began her career with fashion but then moved on to fine art. tricia@tricaflanagan.com Page through the slides as you listen to the audio both above.
Georgina Voss – Sensitive Objects
http://www.slideshare.net/SaraProcter/georgina-voss Georgina Voss - Project looking at design of sexual health care. @gsvoss Page through the slides as you listen to the audio both above.
Sarah Clinch – Mobile or Ubiquitous?
http://www.slideshare.net/SaraProcter/sarah-clinch Sarah Clinch - Post Doctoral Researcher at School of Computing and Communications at the InfoLab s.clinch@comp.lancs.ac.uk Page through the slides as you listen to the audio both above.
Jonny Huck – Wearables: The Democratisation of Data?
http://www.slideshare.net/SaraProcter/jonny-huck Jonny Huck - Research at the Imagination Lab in LICA Lancaster. j.huck2@lancaster.ac.uk Page through the slides as you listen to the audio both above.
Making Mobilities
On June 5th researchers and artists who focus on mobilities met at Lancaster University to present their work. The day began with presentations given by specialists that use wearable technology in their work. The workshop was for people of varying abilities and...
Previous Cemore Fellowships
Rachel Aldred Tarini Bedi David Bissell Owen Chapman Cathy Coleborne Martin Emanuel Tricia Flanagan Ole B Jensen Jamie O’Brien Nikki Pugh Robin Smith Holly Thorpe
Previous Visitors
Thiago Allis Zofia Bednarowska Kornelia Hahn Claus Lassen Camila Dos Santos Moraes Bianca Freire Medeiros Miriam Schreiter
To apply for Cemore Fellowship, please see here. Cemore also warmly welcomes visitors. To find out more, please contact Aurora Trujillo.