Mobilities Intersections Preview
Forthcoming Autumn 2016! This special issue brings together 12 contributions on intersections and intersectionalities of mobilities: Mobility Intersections: Social Research, Social Futures - Monika Büscher, Mimi Sheller, David Tyfield Pedestrian circulations: urban...
Dog-walking therapeutic spaces
Catherine Smith, visiting reasearcher at Cemore this summer, writes about how she has used mobile methods to research dog walking practices and physiotherapy.
John Urry (1946-2016)
John's intellectual legacy and tributes website - At our away day in June 2016, we made a video thinking about John.
Mobilities Journal: Latest
Visit the Mobilities Journal Website for the most recent articles
The provocation of mobile utopias
The energy generated after my visit to CeMoRe in the summer of 2016 is still swirling around me in ways that are both pleasurable and intellectually unsettling. Both states are no doubt useful, welcome, and indeed necessary accompaniments to any honest scholarship....
Proximity, Distance, Comobility
9th November 2016 Southern, J. (2012). Comobility: How Proximity and Distance Travel Together in Locative Media. Canadian Journal for Communications, 37(1), 75–91. Chaired by Monika Buscher. Abstract Mobile phones are becoming increasingly location-aware: they use and...
Mobility Politics
26th October 2016 Cresswell, T. 2010. Towards a politics of mobility. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 28(1): 17-31. Chaired by Stephanie Bayne Sodero. Abstract This paper proposes an approach to mobility that takes both historical mobilities and forms of...
Mobilising the new mobilities paradigm
12th October 2016 Sheller, M., & Urry, J. (2016). Mobilizing the new mobilities paradigm. Applied Mobilities Online first. Chaired by Monika Buscher. Abstract A new mobilities paradigm emerged a decade or so ago in the context of significant theoretical shifts,...
What’s mobile: The mobile favela
Camila Moraes presents her ongoing research on Brazilian favelas. She is concerned with the mobilization of these spaces as tourist attractions through various images and objects.
What’s Mobile: Mobility Practices and Systems of Mobilities
James Faulconbridge’s research focuses on the now central role of mobility in both day-to-day social life and in the reproduction of business practices.
Previous Cemore Fellowships
Rachel Aldred Tarini Bedi David Bissell Owen Chapman Cathy Coleborne Martin Emanuel Tricia Flanagan Ole B Jensen Jamie O’Brien Nikki Pugh Robin Smith Holly Thorpe
Previous Visitors
Thiago Allis Zofia Bednarowska Kornelia Hahn Claus Lassen Camila Dos Santos Moraes Bianca Freire Medeiros Miriam Schreiter
To apply for Cemore Fellowship, please see here. Cemore also warmly welcomes visitors. To find out more, please contact Aurora Trujillo.