

In this series of experiments we play with ways of 'designing' mobile futures. The aim is to give input to open agendas for societal and urban development, in which mobilities and infrastructure are key. The activities focus on matters of concern that...

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What if ... Lancaster made big and small data matter ... The rhetoric of big data is often utopian in scope. The collection of vast quantities of data is said to have the potential to ameliorate complex, wicked problems - like Lancaster's transport troubles....

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Designing Mobile Futures

Designing Mobile Futures

In this series of experiments we play with ways of 'designing' mobile futures. The aim is to give input to open agendas for societal and urban development, in which mobilities and infrastructure are key. The activities focus on matters of concern that...

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If the Mobile Utopia Experiments make 'pockets' of futures inhabitable, what's the bigger picture? What would future societies with a drift economy, autopoesisioning, alternative park-ing look like? What forms of government, healthcare, education would we have there?...

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NowHere: Futures of Collaboration

NowHere: Futures of Collaboration

NowHere explores futures of collaboration and collaborative work through playful experiments and desk research. Whilst we have always worked collaboratively (col- ‘together’ and laborare ‘to work’), how we are doing this is changing and people are collaborating...

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Autopoiesioning: The ETA game

Autopoiesioning: The ETA game

How is my car seeing the road? How is it processing what is happening around it? Who is also helping me drive? Today’s car ride entails a multitude of computer-mediated manoeuvres and routing procedures, with a car processing various probe data such as road traffic...

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The Mobile Utopia Experiment

The Mobile Utopia Experiment

The Mobile Utopia Experiment is a creative enactment of a mobile utopia made concrete and personal in Lancaster, a medium-size university town. The enactment envisages how people, objects, ideas, resources will travel in a near-ish future of 2051. When and Where: 1st...

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Monika Büscher and Bianca Freire-Medeiros are working to establish a John Urry Library section at the University of São Paulo (USP) These are books from John’s personal library, from his home and his office at Lancaster University. Once established, the...

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The SODA Project explores data mobilities through multiparty computing. Medical data from portable personal digital devices (e.g. fitbits, insulin pumps) may usefully converge with clinical data to form Biomedical Big Data, yielding new insight through machine...

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ICT technology has proven potential to reduce disaster risks and support the response to crises. however, even though there are approaches for responsible research and innovation and recommendations on how to use ICT, there is a lack of standardisation and guidance on...

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MoreIT Responsible Innovation and Digital Ethics

MoreIT Responsible Innovation and Digital Ethics

MoreIT stands for Mobilising Responsible Innovation Transformation. It is a research group and consultancy based in the Centre for Mobilities Research, Department of Sociology, Lancaster University, UK. Our research focuses on responsible...

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Hydrogen Hub Vision 2021

Hydrogen Hub Vision 2021

We have formed a partnership with the aim of creating the seed of a functioning and growing Hydrogen (H2) society and economy across the region. The Hub, coordinated via Energy Lancaster at Lancaster University, brings together (i) Local and global energy...

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Doctors within Borders

Doctors within Borders

Contemporary healthcare systems assume that the people for whom they provide care belong to populations that are largely settled. Yet, we know that people are moving, with migration and health a challenging issue in contemporary society. How do health systems deliver...

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The network, worth £1.25m and funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), will comprise experts from the N8 Research Partnership, a collaboration of the eight most research intensive universities in the North of England, as well as...

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AirCiF Airport City Futures

AirCiF Airport City Futures

AirCiF will be the first major Danish research project exploring air travel, airports and Airport Cities from the integrative and interdisciplinary socio-technical field of aeromobilities research. Giving special attention to the ‘super users’ of the airport, the...

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