Mobilities: DECEMBER 2020

Monsoon Clouds

Published by Pennie Drinkall

Monday, December 21st, 2020

Mobilities: December 2020 Volume 15 Issue 6

Detour: bodies, memories and mobilities in and around the home           
Charishma Ratnam and Danielle Drozdzewski

Micro-mobilities in Curated Spaces: Agency, Autonomy and Dwelling in Visitor Experiences of Augmented Reality in Arts and Heritage 
Caroline Scarles, Helen Treharne Matthew Casey Husna Zainal Abidin

Drive-Through Cities: Cars, Labor, and Exaggerated Automobilities in Abu Dhabi                                                                      
Abdellatif Qamhaieh and Surajit Chakravarty

Cracks in the gearbox of car hegemony: struggles over the German Verkehrswende between stability and change
Tobias Haas

Public transport or e-bike taxis: The implications of everyday mobilities in contemporary China
Hua Xia

Governing Mobilities on the UK Canal Network – Open Access
Maarja Kaaristo, Dominic Medway, Jamie Burton, Steven Rhoden, Helen Bruce

Constellations of weathering: following the meteorological mobilities of Bangla bricks  – Open Access                               
Beth Cullen

A political theory of interspecies mobility justice           
Nicholas Scott

Viapolitics and the emancipatory possibilities of abortion mobilities – Open Access
Cordelia Freeman

The migrancies of maps: complicating the critical cartography and migration nexus in ‘migro-mobility’ thinking                     
Laura Lo Presti

A Movement in Motion: Collective Mobility and Embodied Practice in the Viacrucis Migrant Caravan                                  
Heather Wurtz


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