Mobilising Research 1st February 2019


Published by Harriet Phipps

Thursday, January 31st, 2019

Monika is discussing her ideas on a great mobilities transformation and the need to mobilise research at a Symposium on Mobilities and Transformation: Understanding Societies, Economies, and Environments on the Move at the doctorate school “On the move: people, objects, signs” at the Sociology Department at Salzburg University, which is led by Professor Kornelia Hahn.

The symposium explores how societies of late modernity are ‘characterised by far‐reaching social and cultural processes of change, which, through their interaction at the beginning of the twenty‐first century, have triggered, accelerated, or fundamentally transformed a plethora of forms of movement. This conference will focus on dynamics among people, objects, practices, and signs; the social relationships that underlie and produce these dynamics; and reciprocal regional, national, and transnational processes of transformation. The mobility and circulation of resources, labour, money, capital, goods, wealth, information, knowledge, and perceptions are of central importance here. We consider their mutual forms of interdependence to be crucial to the intensification of cultural change. At the same time, these cultural changes also influence existing and future forms of movement carried out by people, objects, and signs. Moreover, to gain a comprehensive understanding of these contemporary processes, it is also necessary to view them from a historical perspective.

The research interests of the conference focus on the diverse processes and forms of mobility or mobilities. The presentations at the conference engage in a discussion of research that investigates mobility, including the movement and circulation of people, goods, money, wealth, as well as ideas and strategies. They may also focus on mobility arising from tourism, pilgrimage, migration, and sport, as well as the infrastructure and communication technologies that allow mobility.

Organizing Committee

Prof. Dr. Kornelia Hahn
Prof. Dr. Martin Knoll
Prof. Dr. Kyoko Shinozaki, Ph.D. Dženeta Karabegović, Ph.D.Mag. Andreas Praher
Mag. Victoria Reitter, MA Mona Röhm, MA

See more here.

Monika’s prezi is available here.

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