Mobile Utopia Special Issue is Out!


Published by Harriet Phipps

Wednesday, February 5th, 2020

Dear colleague

The special issue ‘Mobilities and Utopias: A Critical Reorientation’ Volume 15 Issue 1, is out! It arose from the conference ‘Mobile Utopia: pasts – presents – futures’ held at Lancaster University, UK in November 2017:

Mobilities and Utopias: A Critical Reorientation
Carlos Lopez-Galviz, Lancaster University
Monika Büscher, Lancaster University
Malene Freudendal-Pedersen, Aalborg University, Denmark


Blood drones: Using utopia as method to imagine future vital mobilities
Stephanie Sodero, University of Edinburgh
Richard Rackham, NHS Blood and Transplant


Drone-Topia as Method

Julia M. Hildebrand, Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA


Illuminating urban street (u)topias 
Lesley Murray and Susan Robertson, University of Brighton


Care Moves People: Complex systems and futures signals supporting production and reflection of individual mobile utopias
Nicolas A. Balcom Raleigh; Anna Kirveennummi and Sari Puustinen, University of Turku.


Speculating with Human Rights: Two South Asian Women Writers and Utopian Mobilities
Barnita Bagchi, Utrecht University


Mobility and Data: Cycling the Utopian Internet of Things
Frauke Behrendt , University of Brighton


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