Cemore is pleased to support the Migrations International Mail Art Project curated by Fine Art Visiting Researcher Sait Toprak, and FIne Art Senior Lecturer Gerry Davies.
Deadline: 28 April 2025
Exhibition Dates: 13 May-27 May 2025
Exhibition Place: Lancaster Institute for the Contemporary Arts (LICA)
Contact: saittoprak01@gmail.com
Curators: Sait Toprak & Gerry Davies
Submission Address: Sait Toprak & Gerry Davies, Lancaster Institute for the Contemporary Arts (LICA). Lancaster University. Lancaster. LA1 4YW. England. United Kingdom
- All submitted work will be exhibited
- No technical limitations
- Work should be about ‘Migrations’
- No artwork will be returned to participants
Movement and mobility are features of developed organisms, they are also means by which creatures, including we, orientate ourselves in and across the world. Today people and populations shift and change location for opportunity or leave under pressure. Archaeology tells us that pre-history saw radiating flows from Africa toward new lives East and West. And our futures will be rich with new Migrations
While there remain few migratory peoples today, the migratory movement of critters, of birds, land animals and sea creatures continue. Migrations mysterious and essential, large and small: wildebeest move for pasture, zooplankton up for food and down for safety, but sand dunes migrating, who knew?
Artists are migrants. We live, move, work, communicate and trade within flows of migrating information. Geographically and digitally our ideas and work travel. In the street, on the kitchen table or a screen, in the studio or workshop, we encounter each other. You are coming the other way with something new; I take it up, pass it on. Whether actual or virtual, migrants exchange, collaborate and offer aid, ideas and support through shared mobility and movement.
We offer the idea of Migrations freely and in the plural. Interpret it as human, animal, mineral, biological, geographic, gendered, geologic, spiritual or cultural. The effect might be close or far, the scale, visibility and impact global, local or microscopic. Over to you now!