On Thursday 27th October CeMoRe and the ISF Institute for Social Futures) hosted the fifth annual John Urry Memorial Lecture. This year’s speaker was Tim Edensor from Manchester Metropolitan University who presented a fascinating paper on the multi-layered cultural history and geography of an ancient Scottish stone, the Barochan Cross. A book on the subject – Landscape, Materiality and Heritage – An Object Biography – will be published by Palgrave in December. Tim studied for his PhD (later published as Tourists at the Taj) with John in the 1990s, and it was a wonderful opportunity to welcome him back to Lancaster.

A recording of the lecture can be found here: https://dtu-panopto.lancs.ac.uk/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=bdb862df-3a62-46f5-9067-af340095d9d6