The Potential Implications of a Cashless Society


Published by Harriet Phipps

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2018

Joe Deville recently featured as an interviewee in Future Tense, a podcast and radio programme produced by the ABC, on the potential implications of a cashless society.

Listen here>> 

“Most people these days use a mix of cash and digital payment options.

The advantages of going cashless are many and well known. But what, if any, are the drawbacks?

In the race to a completely cashless future, what do we put at risk and who benefits most?” –


Brett Scott – Independent author, journalist, campaigner and former financial broker

Peter Guy – Business columnist, South China Morning Post; Founder of Regulation Asia; Former investment banker

Joe Deville – Economic sociologist, Lancaster University

Nigel Phair – Director of UNSW Canberra Cyber, University of New South Wales, Canberra

Dr Sven Brodmerkel – Assistant Professor for Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communications, Bond University

Coin image source: Pexels

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