Cemore’s Monika Buscher is giving a keynote at the Living Infrastructures, Volgograd, 27-28 April 2017.
Abstract: Since the 1992 Earth Summit, 4.4 billion people or 64% of the world’s population have been affected by disasters, and the number of ‘loss events’ has more than doubled (UNISDR 2012, Munich RE 2015). Resilience concepts respond to global challenges, but the meanings, policies, and practices of resilience are ambiguous, on the one hand enacting a neoliberal individualisation of responsibility, on the other new forms of cosmopolitan relational ethics with ambitions for ‘respectful reciprocity, self-governance, improvisation and mutual aid’ (Shani 2016, Crawford et al 2013:6, Meier 2015). In this talk I mobilise utopia as method for a speculative sociology of ‘infrastructuring’ for radically reflexive resilience, following Levitas (2013), to critically unearth dynamics of inequality, and to reflect on what it means to be resiliently human.