Edited by Luis Eduardo Pérez Murcia and Sara Bonfanti Bringing together the voices of nine individuals from an archive of over two hundred in-depth interviews with transnational migrants and refugees across five European countries, Finding Home in Europe, a new...
CeMoRe 20th Anniversary Programme of Events (February Update)
LANCASTER CENTRE FOR MOBILITIES RESEARCH [CeMoRe] 20th ANNIVERSARY (2003-2023) Programme of Events **F E B R U A R Y U P D A T E ** Academic year 2022-3 marks the twentieth anniversary of Lancaster’s Centre for Mobilities Research which was...
Baidu’s Robin Li on Artificial Intelligence
The two contributors to this post are Zichen Wang and Fei Yu . Zichen Wang is the Deputy Director & Research Fellow at the Centre for China and Globalization. Fei Yu is a PhD student at Lancaster University. The tech entrepreneur predicts smart solutions will...
CeMoRe Winter Webinar: Dr Andrew Baldwin on ‘The Other of Climate Change’
On Friday 9th December, CeMoRe hosted its Winter Webinar featuring Dr Andrew Baldwin discussing his new book 'The Other of Climate Change: Racial Futurism, Migration, Humanism. The talk had an excellent audience with interesting discussion led by Dr Luciana Barbosa...
Guest Post: Street Haunting in Lancaster, A walking historian’s visit to CeMoRe and surroundings
Written by Tiina Mannisto-Funk. “And what greater delight and wonder can there be than to leave the straight lines of personality and deviate into those footpaths that lead beneath brambles and thick tree trunks into the heart of the forest where live those wild...
Colin Pooley’s New Book: Everyday Mobilities in Nineteeth- and Twentieth-Century British Diaries
Mobilities scholars will need no introduction to Colin Pooley’s long-standing research on historical transport mobilities (including pedestrianism) and we’re delighted to announce the publication of his most recent book (co-authored by Marilyn Pooley) in...
Last week (8 November) CeMoRe and ISF co-hosted a workshop for our two Visiting Scholars, Tiina Mannisto-Funk (University of Turku) and Anna-Leena Toivanen (University of Eastern Finland). The workshop, on the theme of ‘Mobility and the Production of Urban...
John Urry Annual Memorial Lecture 2022: Rethinking Landscape and Materiality
On Thursday 27th October CeMoRe and the ISF Institute for Social Futures) hosted the fifth annual John Urry Memorial Lecture. This year’s speaker was Tim Edensor from Manchester Metropolitan University who presented a fascinating paper on the...
Dr. Satya Savitzky 1980-2022
We are very sorry to announce that Dr Satya Satvizky – an active member of CeMoRe for many years - passed away last month. He was working at the Marine Governance group at the interdisciplinary Helmholtz Institute for Functional Marine Biodiversity (HIFMB) in...