Will I never fly again? As I'm preparing a short talk on the compulsions of proximity and connected presence of academic flying, I'm re-reading Dede Boden and Harvey Molotch's 'Compulsion of Proximity', Christian Licoppe's 'Connected Presence' and Jen Southern's...
Mobilities: August 2019 Issue 4
Mobilities: August 2019 Issue 4 A curated collection on the theme of 'digital technologies': Digital navigation and the driving-machine: Supervision, calculation, optimization, recognition Sam Hind Anticipating digital futures: Ruins, entanglements and possibilities...
DecarboN8 Network Launch 25th November 2019
25th November (Leeds) DecarboN8 Launch Event An introduction to DecarboN8’s place-based approach to decarbonisation for transport across the North of England. A full day event including insight from leading researchers and organisations in the field as well as...
Hartmut Rosa: Annual John Urry Lecture 31 October 2019
John Urry Lecture 2019: Social Acceleration, Dynamic Stabilization and the Desire for Resonance: A Structural and Cultural Analysis of Modernity. Hartmut Rosa, Professor of Sociology at Friedrich-Schiller University in Jena, Affiliated Professor at the New...
Care for Sale Talk 2nd December 2019
Care for Sale Ana P. Gutiérrez Garza Lecturer in Social Anthropology, University of St Andrews Monday 2nd December 2019 Lancaster University Bowland North SR05, 14.00-16.00 In homes and brothels around the world, migrant women are selling a unique commodity:...
From Climate Migration to Anthropocene Mobilities Special Issue June 2019
From Climate Migration to Anthropocene Mobilities: Shifting the Debate Edited by Christiane Froehlich, Andrew Baldwin and Delf Rothe “The Anthropocene epoch,” as Claire Colebrook describes it, “appears to mark as radical a shift in species awareness as Darwinian...
Mobilities: October 2019 Issue 5
Mobilities: October 2019 Issue 5 This bumper issue includes a diverse geographical spread with some linked articles. When urban environments meet pedestrian’s thoughts: implications for pedestrian affect. Thomas Calvert, Juliet Jain & Kiron Chatterjee ‘Running on...
A Scholar on the Move: Key Reflections of a Visiting Researcher
When I was about to finish my PhD in Australia, I had already been thinking of visiting the Centre for Mobilities Research (CeMoRe) at Lancaster University. My intention was partly driven by my interest in meeting scholars working in the field of mobilities....
H2Oh!? How could hydrogen fuel our society and economy?
Mobility Transformation has to be lived by citizens and at scale. How might we make a hydrogen society and economy work? Through public engagement and playful collective experimentation with members of the publican Lancaster and Cumbria, we are developing a better...