DecarboN8: Launch Event
Thursday 18th July, 12 – 2pm, Bowland North Seminar Room 20
Join us for Lunch and find out more about DecarboN8, a new research network of northern universities.
Register here:
Cemore and the ISF are leading a group of researchers from Lancaster University to find new ways to rapidly decarbonise UK transport. We bring post-disciplinary perspectives and methods to a new research network of northern universities, led by the University of Leeds.
The DecarboN8 network will focus on tackling surface transport emissions, which form 26% of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions. These include emissions from transport vehicles such as cars, vans, buses, heavy goods vehicles and trains. They will also examine emissions from the construction and maintenance of these vehicles and infrastructure. The network, worth £1.25m and funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), will comprise experts from the N8 Research Partnership, a collaboration of the eight most research intensive universities in the North of England, as well as experts from Government and industry, NGO and citizens.
Monika Buscher, Cemore (Centre for Mobilities Research) and Nicola Spurling, ISF (Institute for Social Futures) will lead a theme on social acceptance and societal readiness, ensuring that social futures form a key component of decarbonising mobilities in the North and that considerations of people, practice and place are part of all the projects funded by the initiative.
We invite you to join us for lunch, where you can learn more about the network, and explore the topics and concerns that should, in your view, be included. We will also begin to map the capacity at Lancaster to address these aspects, and outline the next steps for those interested in being involved.
Please register at that we have an idea of numbers attending. If you are unable to come, but wish to be informed of future events, please also use the link above for this.
Monika Buscher and Nicola Spurling,
CeMore, Sociology, ISF
Image Source: “Scooter electrique à la foire de Paris” by nitot is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0