‘The Climate Emergency is the agenda of this generation. Mobilities scholarship has a vital part to play’. Climate Emergency Mobilities is the research focus of CeMoRe Lancaster 2020-25. Explore our 5-year Manifesto, Events and Projects to learn about our work in this area and opportunities to collaborate with us.


Apply Now: EPSRC DecarboN8 Research Funding Call No# 1

Apply Now: EPSRC DecarboN8 Research Funding Call No# 1

We are pleased to announce that the first DecarboN8 seedcorn funding call is now open for applications. For detail, visit the DecarboN8 Network Website. For a quick overview, see below. For full details and application forms please visit our funding page. The deadline...

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DecarboN8 Network Launch 25th November 2019

DecarboN8 Network Launch 25th November 2019

25th November (Leeds) DecarboN8 Launch Event An introduction to DecarboN8’s place-based approach to decarbonisation for transport across the North of England. A full day event including insight from leading researchers and organisations in the field as well as...

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