CeMoRe’s Mobile Kitchenette, the pandemic induced virtual replacement for the little chats we usually have in the office kitchen, is fast becoming one of my favourite features of researching within CeMoRe. It provides an opportunity for members and...
‘The Climate Emergency is the agenda of this generation. Mobilities scholarship has a vital part to play’. Climate Emergency Mobilities is the research focus of CeMoRe Lancaster 2020-25. Explore our 5-year Manifesto, Events and Projects to learn about our work in this area and opportunities to collaborate with us.
Moving EVs beyond automobility culture
Electric Vehicles (EVs) which mimic the current car-based system, are not the answer to the epochal challenge of decarbonising transport. In his mobility justice critique of EV, Henderson[i] highlights three reasons for this: EVs perpetuate a broken car-based mobility...
CeMoRe’s 5 Year Programme to Address the Climate Emergency
The movement of people, materials, information and capital pose the greatest carbon challenge but hold the greatest promise for avoiding catastrophic climate change. This will be the key focus for Lancaster University’s internationally renowned Centre for...