‘The Climate Emergency is the agenda of this generation. Mobilities scholarship has a vital part to play’. Climate Emergency Mobilities is the research focus of CeMoRe Lancaster 2020-25. Explore our 5-year Manifesto, Events and Projects to learn about our work in this area and opportunities to collaborate with us.


Cemore’s Social Design Intern DecarboN8

Cemore’s Social Design Intern DecarboN8

CeMoRe's project DecarboN8 has recently gained a new intern performing the role of "Social Design Intern DecarboN8 Societal Readiness Assessment e-Learning Platform". Lauren Cross, a Lancaster University graduate of Media and Cultural studies with a minor in Sociology...

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Climate Emergency Mobilities: Our Manifesto

Climate Emergency Mobilities: Our Manifesto

 CeMoRe is making the climate emergency its research focus from 2020-2025, recognizing that mobilities of every kind of scale are integral to the climate emergency and hold the greatest promise for transformation. Read our Manifesto statement below and to be kept up...

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Climate Emergency Mobilities: Our Manifesto

Climate Emergency Mobilities: Our Manifesto

 CeMoRe is making the climate emergency its research focus from 2020-2025, recognizing that mobilities of every kind of scale are integral to the climate emergency and hold the greatest promise for transformation. Read our Manifesto statement below... CeMoRe...

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