CeMoRe Welcomes New Senior Research Associate


Published by Harriet Phipps

Monday, November 8th, 2021

CeMoRe is delighted to welcome Nasser Bahrami as our new Social Design Analyst – Cumbria Innovations Platform II

In his new role, he works closely with academic staff within the Centre for Mobilities Research to coordinate activities to benchmark and improve SME connectivity in the county in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and in a climate-smart way. The role concentrated mainly on understanding and addressing impacts upon individual businesses and groups brought about by changes in behaviour and patterns of working, greater reliance on digital connectivity and a reduction in all modes of physical mobility. The efforts would be delivered within a work package entitled ‘Connected Cumbria’ as part of the ERDF funded Cumbria Innovations Platform Phase II (CUSPII) project and will feed into a broader raft of analysis designed to inform policy across the broader connectivity landscape within the region.

Nasser has insight gained by more than 10 years of direct experience as a designer, marketer, consultant, and educator-led to focus on a mixture of Design, marketing, and entrepreneurship approaches to help both public and private organisations better connect with their clients, transform data into actionable ideas and see new opportunities. 

As a PhD candidate, his research focuses on identifying the requirements of a cognitive computing platform, which can serve as a service design consultant to enrich the decision-making processes and provide reliable and made-to-order recommendations. 

We look forward to working with Nasser in his new role – congratulations Nasser!

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