
Published by Harriet Phipps

Monday, November 14th, 2022

Last week (8 November) CeMoRe and ISF co-hosted a workshop for our two Visiting Scholars, Tiina Mannisto-Funk (University of Turku) and Anna-Leena Toivanen (University of Eastern Finland).  

The workshop, on the theme of ‘Mobility and the Production of Urban Space’, attracted an audience from across the Humanities and Social Sciences and it was inspiring to see how Tiina and Anna-Leena (based in History and Literary Studies respectively) are bringing long-standing mobilities research on transport, space and urban studies to bear upon their fascinating textual and historical materials.

The titles of their two talks were:

“Pedestrian as a by-product or producer of modernist urban space?” – Tiina Mannisto-Funk

“Clandestine in Paris: Metropolitan mobilities in African fiction.” – Anna-Leena Toivanen

Recent Publications include:

Tiina Mannisto-Funk

Männistö-Funk, Tiina (2022): “One fine day your car will also start to speak:” Automotive voices as promises of machine intelligence. ICON 27 (1), 117–138.

Männistö-Funk, Tiina (2021): What kerbstones do: A century of street space from the perspective of one material actor. Cultural History 10 (1), 61–90.

Männistö-Funk, Tiina (2021): The Gender of Walking: Female Pedestrians in Street Photographs 1890–1989. Urban History 48 (2), 227–247


“Modes of transport and rhythms of mobility in Bernard B. Dadié’s Un Nègre à Paris (1959) and Tété-Michel Kpomassie’s L’Africain du Groenland (1981).” Studies in Travel Writing, published online 5 Sept 2022. 

“Unruly landscapes of a diasporic return: Mobility and memory in Michèle Rakotoson’s Juillet au pays: Chroniques d’un retour à Madagascar (2007)”. Transfers 12.1 (2022): 70-83.

“On the move in the (post)colonial metropolis: The Paris Metro in Francophone African and Afrodiasporic fiction.” Urban Studies, published online 6 November 2021.

Anna-Leena will be visiting us in Lancaster in the spring/summer of 2023 and if anyone would like to get in touch with either scholar please send an email to cemore@lancaster.ac.uk and we will put you in touch.

The featured image for this post is the title page for Tiina’s current Whose City Project, the link for the full comic can be found by clicking here

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