Low Carbon Innovation in China

Low Carbon Innovation in China

On Sunday 13th March, the ESRC project ‘Low Carbon Innovation in China: Prospects, Politics and Practice’ held the closing workshop of its research package on urban e-mobilities at the Shenzhen Graduate School of Tsinghua University, hosted by CeMoRe’s project...

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6 April 2016 Mobilities Reading

6 April 2016 Mobilities Reading

"Future Perfect: Retheorising Utopia", Ch. 8 from Ruth Levitas' The Concept of Utopia, 4-5PM, Bowland North B37 (Mobilities Lab). The second reading of our Utopia-themed mobilities meetings. Thanks to Richard Tutton for the suggestion! Everyone is invited to attend...

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Badger Culling and Perturbation

Badger Culling and Perturbation

Why are Government culling badgers for the sake of bovine Tuberculosis? How does badger culling affect badger and disease mobility across the country? Jess Phoenix, PhD student at Lancaster, tries to answer these questions in this blog post.   My PhD focuses upon...

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What’s mobile: Researching disasters

What’s mobile: Researching disasters

Monika Büscher, professor of Sociology at Lancaster University and the director of the Centre for Mobilities Research, tells us what's mobile about researching floods and earthquakes.     Imagine a flood, an earthquake, a pandemic. What do people do to stop...

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23 March 2016 Mobilities Reading

23 March 2016 Mobilities Reading

"Geolocation and Video Ethnography: Capturing Mobile Internet Used by a Commuter" by Voilmy, Smoreda & Ziemlicki, 4-5PM, Bowland North B37 (Mobilities Lab). Thanks to Visiting PhD Zofia Bednarowska for the suggestion. Everyone is invited to attend and join in the...

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Thomas More’s Utopia

Thomas More’s Utopia

Thomas More's Utopia will be discussed at this joint ISF/Mobilities Reading Group, 4-5PM, FASS Building, Meeting Room 1. Everyone is invited to attend and join in the discussion! The book is available in various formats here: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/2130

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