Deep mapping the Duddon Valley

Deep mapping the Duddon Valley

Artist Nikki Pugh has been awarded a Visiting Fellowship to help support a collaboration with Dr Christopher Donaldson (Lecturer in Regional History and Co-Investigator on the Leverhulme Trust-funded Geospatial Innovation in the Digital Humanities: A Deep Mapping of...

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Death Studies Special Issue

All papers for The Death Studies Special Issue have been received and are currently being reviewed. The issue will be published in February 2018.  This issue was inspired by the Futures of the End of Life Symposium hosted at Lancaster University in January 2016. It...

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Symbolic Exchange & Death

Symbolic Exchange & Death

18th January 2017 Chapter 5 Political Economy and Death (p. 125-194) from Baudrillard, Jean 1993. Symbolic Exchange and Death. London/Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. Chaired by Miriam Schreiter. Here's how it starts: As soon as savages began to call 'men' only those...

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Reframing Drone Methodologies

Reframing Drone Methodologies

What drones are capable of in our hands? This is the question raised by Bradley Garrett and Adam Fish in a guest blog post about drone methodologies.   Lost in the concern that the drone is an authoritarian instrument is the possibility that it might...

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Friction – CeMoRe Reading Group

Friction – CeMoRe Reading Group

Mobilities Reading Group  Join us for a discussion this Wed Dec 14, 4-5pm (Mobilities Lab). Join in person or via skype.    Reading Friction: An Ethnography of Global Connection by Anna Tsing. (Just the introduction!) PDF Abstract Challenging the widespread view that...

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Mobilising disasters

Mobilising disasters

How to think about disasters not as fixed events, but as temporally and spatially dependent?   Eric L. Hsu, from Hawke EU Centre for Mobilities, Migrations and Cultural Transformations, the University Of South Australia, has visited Cemore for a few days this...

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