Projects Posts

Mobilising disasters

Mobilising disasters

How to think about disasters not as fixed events, but as temporally and spatially dependent?   Eric L. Hsu, from Hawke EU Centre for Mobilities, Migrations and Cultural Transformations, the University Of South Australia, has visited Cemore for a few days this...

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Dog-walking therapeutic spaces

Dog-walking therapeutic spaces

Catherine Smith, visiting reasearcher at Cemore this summer, writes about how she has used mobile methods to research dog walking practices and physiotherapy.   Movement and physiotherapy research are inextricably linked; however, until dog-walking...

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Four Scenarios of Future Urban E-mobility in China

Four Scenarios of Future Urban E-mobility in China

What will it be like to live in Chinese cities as e-mobility takes hold? This is the question that has been investigated by a team at CeMoRe, Lancaster University and the Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University, since 2013 in a major project funded by the...

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What’s mobile: Past Futures | 1851 to 2051

What’s mobile: Past Futures | 1851 to 2051

Carlos López Galviz, Lecturer in The Theory and Methods of Social Futures, tells us how past futures connect with mobility and place.     I am interested in the relationship between the past and the future, particularly in the context of cities. One way of...

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What’s mobile: Data Prototyping and Visualisation

What’s mobile: Data Prototyping and Visualisation

Dan Richards, Lecturer in Data Prototyping and Visualisation, at Imagination Lancaster, talks about emerging design practices which require increased disciplinary and informational mobility.     This research explores new interdisciplinary design practices...

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