Projects Posts

Mobilising Data: isITethical? at PSCE 2017

Cemore's Monika Büscher and Malé Luján Escalante will take the game isITethical to the Public Safety Communications Europe Conference in Munich, 3-5 May 2017. Abstract IsITethical? The Board Game: experimenting with ethical impact assessment as creative collaborative...

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Mobile Cultures of Disaster Conference

Mobile Cultures of Disaster Conference

Cemore Director Monika Büscher is giving a keynote at the Mobile Cultures of Disasters Conference in Adelaide. A Mobile Utopia of Radically Reflexive Resilience Since the 1992 Earth Summit, 4.4 billion people or 64% of the world’s population have been affected by...

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Knowledge Exchange on ELSI in Disaster Risk Management

Knowledge Exchange on ELSI in Disaster Risk Management

Sharing information in disasters can raise complex ethical, legal and social issues (ELSI). At a workshop with emergency practitioners, commercial and academic developers of information sharing platforms, and experts on digital ethics and law, the SecInCoRe project...

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Deep mapping the Duddon Valley

Deep mapping the Duddon Valley

Artist Nikki Pugh has been awarded a Visiting Fellowship to help support a collaboration with Dr Christopher Donaldson (Lecturer in Regional History and Co-Investigator on the Leverhulme Trust-funded Geospatial Innovation in the Digital Humanities: A Deep Mapping of...

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Death Studies Special Issue

All papers for The Death Studies Special Issue have been received and are currently being reviewed. The issue will be published in February 2018.  This issue was inspired by the Futures of the End of Life Symposium hosted at Lancaster University in January 2016. It...

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Reframing Drone Methodologies

Reframing Drone Methodologies

What drones are capable of in our hands? This is the question raised by Bradley Garrett and Adam Fish in a guest blog post about drone methodologies.   Lost in the concern that the drone is an authoritarian instrument is the possibility that it might...

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