24 June 2020 08:01The MoU was signed by Lancaster’s Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Global), Professor Simon Guy (right), and the Pro-Rector for International Relations of Padua University, Professor Alessandro Paccagnella. The centre photograph shows Padua University’s elegant...
Mobilities – General Posts
Walking Seminars and the infrastructure of immobility
I spent three weeks at CeMoRe in the autumn of 2019 for a research stay as part of my project about car parking in cities. I have been familiar with the excellent work done by researchers in the centre, so visiting it was a natural choice. Previously, I had a chance...
Reflections from Visiting CeMoRe
My name is Ragnhild Dahl Wikstrøm, and I’m a PhD research fellow in Human Geography at the University of Oslo. As part of my PhD I was based at CeMoRe and Lancaster University for almost six months. In 2018, I had the pleasure of meeting the director of CeMoRe, Monika...
A Great Mobility Transformation
This is a blog post published along contributions from Bryan S. Turner, Ingrid Piller, Gurminder K. Bhambra, Brent Greve, Jillian Rickly, Stephanie Walsh Matthews, Stephanie Jane Nawyn, Debora Lupton, Anthony Elliott, Sharon Varney, Robert van Krieken by DeGruyter...
Covid-19: Other mobilities are (im)possible
Other Mobilities are possible Monika Büscher, Centre for Mobilities Research, Lancaster University Other mobilities are possible. But will a systemic shock engender systemic change? Covid-19 (aka Coronavirus) has shut down air travel and the global economy, and...
The politics of debt and mobilities research
Benjamin Schwarz Last summer, I had the pleasure of undertaking a research stay at CeMoRe, as part of my ongoing PhD research based at Roskilde University in Denmark. During my stay, I was fortunate to receive supervision from CeMoRe Co-director Joe Deville, with...
Mobile Utopia Special Issue is Out!
Dear colleague The special issue ‘Mobilities and Utopias: A Critical Reorientation’ Volume 15 Issue 1, is out! It arose from the conference ‘Mobile Utopia: pasts - presents – futures’ held at Lancaster University, UK in November 2017: Mobilities and Utopias: A...
Why Fly? Sheffield Symposium on ‘Reducing academic flying’
Will I never fly again? As I'm preparing a short talk on the compulsions of proximity and connected presence of academic flying, I'm re-reading Dede Boden and Harvey Molotch's 'Compulsion of Proximity', Christian Licoppe's 'Connected Presence' and Jen Southern's...
Mobilities: August 2019 Issue 4
Mobilities: August 2019 Issue 4 A curated collection on the theme of 'digital technologies': Digital navigation and the driving-machine: Supervision, calculation, optimization, recognition Sam Hind Anticipating digital futures: Ruins, entanglements and possibilities...