The movement of people, materials, information and capital pose the greatest carbon challenge but hold the greatest promise for avoiding catastrophic climate change. This will be the key focus for Lancaster University’s internationally renowned Centre for...
Climate (Emergency Mobilities) Posts
DecarboN8 considers societal readiness of innovations in climate change technology and policy
The first DecarboN8 Workshop aims to explore the scale of the challenge and put the ambition of proposed innovations (in practice, technology, and policy) into context. How are we doing in relation to the targets set in Paris in 2015, how can we enhance the societal...
Apply Now: EPSRC DecarboN8 Research Funding Call No# 1
We are pleased to announce that the first DecarboN8 seedcorn funding call is now open for applications. For detail, visit the DecarboN8 Network Website. For a quick overview, see below. For full details and application forms please visit our funding page. The deadline...
DecarboN8 Network Launch 25th November 2019
25th November (Leeds) DecarboN8 Launch Event An introduction to DecarboN8’s place-based approach to decarbonisation for transport across the North of England. A full day event including insight from leading researchers and organisations in the field as well as...
From Climate Migration to Anthropocene Mobilities Special Issue June 2019
From Climate Migration to Anthropocene Mobilities: Shifting the Debate Edited by Christiane Froehlich, Andrew Baldwin and Delf Rothe “The Anthropocene epoch,” as Claire Colebrook describes it, “appears to mark as radical a shift in species awareness as Darwinian...
Decarbonising Workshop 18 July 2019
DecarboN8: Launch Event Thursday 18th July, 12 – 2pm, Bowland North Seminar Room 20 Join us for Lunch and find out more about DecarboN8, a new research network of northern universities. Register here: Cemore...
Serious Play: Futures of Disaster Risk Management 5-7 April 2019
Monika Buscher is presenting serious gaming as a method for training incident commanders in humanitarian response, and leading a set of workshops at the Bavarian Disaster Risk Management Congress. 11. Bayerischer Katastrophenschutz-Kongress mit 7. Fachkongress...
The (im)mobilities of Storm Desmond
As we’re slowly heading into the Spring, it’s time to recap the biggest event to hit Lancaster this past Winter: #StormDesmond. Our Satya Savitzky, who together with colleagues is currently conducting research on the events, uses his own experience of the flooding to...