Mobilities: December 2020 Volume 15 Issue 6 Detour: bodies, memories and mobilities in and around the home Charishma Ratnam and Danielle Drozdzewski Micro-mobilities in Curated Spaces: Agency, Autonomy and Dwelling in Visitor Experiences of Augmented...
Winter Webinar 2020
The winter webinar, held on 10th December 2020 offered an opportunity for members and associates of CeMoRe to come together and explore the theme of its new 5 year programme to address the climate emergency. The event involved nine talks, each lasting 5 minutes,...
Moving EVs beyond automobility culture
Electric Vehicles (EVs) which mimic the current car-based system, are not the answer to the epochal challenge of decarbonising transport. In his mobility justice critique of EV, Henderson[i] highlights three reasons for this: EVs perpetuate a broken car-based mobility...
CeMoRe’s Associate Director, Carlos López Galviz, to lead prestigious international association
CeMoRe is very proud to share that one of our Associate Directors, Dr Carlos López Galviz, also a Senior Lecturer in Lancaster’s Institute for the Contemporary Arts has been elected as the new President of T2M, the International Association for the History of...
CeMoRe’s 5 Year Programme to Address the Climate Emergency
The movement of people, materials, information and capital pose the greatest carbon challenge but hold the greatest promise for avoiding catastrophic climate change. This will be the key focus for Lancaster University’s internationally renowned Centre for...
Mobilities: october 2020
Mobilities: October 2020 Volume 15 Issue 5 Introduction: On time. Temporal and normative orderings of mobilities – Open AccessClaudio Coletta, Tobias Röhl, Susann Wagenknecht Practices of Waiting: Dramatized Timing within Air TravelLarissa Schindler Follow the...
CeMoRe Mobile Kitchenette
The first get together of CeMoRe's new online group critique, coffee and informal chat session for staff and PhD students, the CeMoRe Mobile Kitchenette will take place on Weds 9th Dec 2020 11.00-11.45. In these uncertain times we are missing out on the usual...
John Urry Lecture 2020: Covid-19, Mobilities and Futures
On 29th October, Lancaster Sociology Department, CeMoRe and the Institute for Social Futures held the third Annual John Urry Lecture, albeit in a slightly different format than previous years. An online event discussed Covid-19, Mobilities and...
Mobilities: August 2020 Issue 4
Mobilities: April 2020 Volume 15 Issue 4 To all our readers, authors, and colleagues we extend our good wishes for your health and safety during this global crisis - we hope you enjoy this summer holiday edition! Technological change and sociocultural models in...