5th May from 4pm, Bowland North, Seminar Room 01 CeMoRe and CeDR are hosting a live video link to this seminar in Montreal. A live Q&A session will be hosted by Owen Chapman who is a CeMoRe visiting fellow and co-director of the Community and Differential...
Creating A Mobile Utopia
Last week, CeMoRe co-organised the workshop Mobile Utopia. One day of intense play to imagine and develop utopias of everyday life for 2051. Georgia Newmarch reports. Object-based thinking encourages an exploration of how we place importance on aspects of our...
4 May 2016 Mobilities Reading
"The online use of Violence and Journey metaphors by patients with cancer, as compared with health professionals: a mixed methods study" by Elena Semino et al. 4-5PM, Bowland North B37 (Mobilities Lab). Elena will join us to participate in discussion of this reading....
Seeing Revolutionary Info-Structure
Adam Fish blogs about how flying a camera-equipped drone over a data center can improve our infrastructural literacy. His ethnographic project 'Seeing Information Infrastructure in the North Atlantic' investigates information infrastructure in Iceland, Shetland...
Bicycles, cinema and the spectacle of mechanical movement
Bruce Bennett, Senior Lecturer at LICA, is doing research on a very convivial tandem: bicycles and cinema. He tells our readers why the bicycle was the perfect subject for the first film, in 1895. I am currently studying the history of cycling on screen, and in...
What’s mobile: Bicycle systems
Cosmin Popan, doctoral candidate in Sociology, tells us what's mobile about researching bicycles and alternative mobility systems. My PhD thesis investigates the possibilities for everyday urban cycling to become a socio-technical system that...
From Cabin ‘Boys’ to Captains: 250 Years of Women at Sea
Traditionally, a woman’s place was never on stormy seas. But actually thousands of dancers, purserettes, doctors, stewardesses, captains and conductresses have taken to the waveson everything from floating palaces to battered windjammers. Their daring story is barely...
Low Carbon Innovation in China
On Sunday 13th March, the ESRC project ‘Low Carbon Innovation in China: Prospects, Politics and Practice’ held the closing workshop of its research package on urban e-mobilities at the Shenzhen Graduate School of Tsinghua University, hosted by CeMoRe’s project...
6 April 2016 Mobilities Reading
"Future Perfect: Retheorising Utopia", Ch. 8 from Ruth Levitas' The Concept of Utopia, 4-5PM, Bowland North B37 (Mobilities Lab). The second reading of our Utopia-themed mobilities meetings. Thanks to Richard Tutton for the suggestion! Everyone is invited to attend...