Friction – CeMoRe Reading Group

Friction – CeMoRe Reading Group

Mobilities Reading Group  Join us for a discussion this Wed Dec 14, 4-5pm (Mobilities Lab). Join in person or via skype.    Reading Friction: An Ethnography of Global Connection by Anna Tsing. (Just the introduction!) PDF Abstract Challenging the widespread view that...

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Mobilising disasters

Mobilising disasters

How to think about disasters not as fixed events, but as temporally and spatially dependent?   Eric L. Hsu, from Hawke EU Centre for Mobilities, Migrations and Cultural Transformations, the University Of South Australia, has visited Cemore for a few days this...

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Cycling research comes to Lancaster

Cycling research comes to Lancaster

This September, Cemore has co-organised the most important academic conference on cycling, Cycling and Society Symposium. More than 50 cycling researchers and advocates from 15 countries have gathered in Lancaster to discuss the future of velomobilities.   The...

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Art Mobilities Field Trip

Art Mobilities Field Trip

Experience Mobilities of Memory: …, these sounds give way to fragments of stories from the men in the trenches; a stilted marriage proposal, an enquiry about health, a thank you for kippers sent through the post, a description of daily conditions and accounts of the...

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What is it about the bike?

What is it about the bike?

The 2016 Cycling and Society Conference here at Cemore has been inspiring. Thank you Cosmin, Katerina and Denis! One of the things that has me thinking is the relationship between technologies of mobility, power, the good society and utopian momentum. The question...

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PhD Workshop Mobile Situations

PhD Workshop Mobile Situations

The Mobile Situations | Situated Media Postgraduate Workshop was a collaboration between the University of Siegen, Cemore, the Centre for Gender and Women's Studies, the Centre for Science Studies and the University of Hamburg. the best part was talking to people...

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