Blood drone-topia?

Blood drone-topia?

  by Stephanie Sodero ... What might the movement of blood look like in the future? More specifically how might blood transfusion and drone technology -- both war dividends -- intersect (Sandvik & Lohne 2014)? Here I explore four scenarios based on fieldwork,...

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Mobile Utopia Exhibition

Mobile Utopia Exhibition

This exhibition of 13 international artists, curated by Jen Southern, Emma Rose and Linda O Keeffe, is part of the conference Mobile Utopia: Pasts, Presents, Futures at the Lancaster House Hotel from 2nd-5th November 2017. The exhibition includes works in a diverse...

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Moving in a system – and sensing in a box

Moving in a system – and sensing in a box

What happens when you bring together human bodily intelligence and traffic rules in new ways? This became our leading question for the first ‘Becoming Sensicle’ experiment day at Lancaster University on September 28. During the six-hour workshop, we explored how we...

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Drift Economy- Mobile Utopia Experiment Lab II

Drift Economy- Mobile Utopia Experiment Lab II

(Written by Sasha Engelmann) I find myself on a train back to London after an exciting day prototyping, developing and honing Mobile Utopia Experiments.  Bronislaw Szerszynski, Adam Fish and I have developed an experiment called the Drift Economy, and today was a...

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The Mobile Utopia Experiment

The Mobile Utopia Experiment

The Mobile Utopia Experiment will be in Lancaster on the 1st of November and on campus on the 1st and 2nd of November. When and Where: 1st November 12:15 - 5:00 pm Town Library, Market Sq., Lancaster City Centre and Lancaster University Campus 2nd November 09:00 -...

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John Urry’s books –> São Paulo

John Urry’s books –> São Paulo

Monika Büscher and Bianca Freire-Medeiros are working to establish a John Urry Library section at the University of São Paulo (USP) Monika is just about to travel to São Paulo with the first set of books and to work with colleagues and students during the...

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