On 29th October, Lancaster Sociology Department, CeMoRe and the Institute for Social Futures held the third Annual John Urry Lecture, albeit in a slightly different format than previous years. An online event discussed Covid-19, Mobilities and...
Benjamin Schwarz Last summer, I had the pleasure of undertaking a research stay at CeMoRe, as part of my ongoing PhD research based at Roskilde University in Denmark. During my stay, I was fortunate to receive supervision from CeMoRe Co-director Joe Deville, with...
Dear colleague The special issue ‘Mobilities and Utopias: A Critical Reorientation’ Volume 15 Issue 1, is out! It arose from the conference ‘Mobile Utopia: pasts – presents – futures’ held at Lancaster University, UK in November 2017: Mobilities and Utopias: A...
People move across international borders, often along unpredictable paths. Systems for the delivery of healthcare are largely fixed in place. This workshop is designed to foster discussion of healthcare and mobility, drawing on the insights of interdisciplinary...
We are pleased to announce that the first DecarboN8 seedcorn funding call is now open for applications. For detail, visit the DecarboN8 Network Website. For a quick overview, see below. For full details and application forms please visit our funding page. The deadline...