by Harriet Phipps | Dec 18, 2016 | Mobilities - General, Projects
What drones are capable of in our hands? This is the question raised by Bradley Garrett and Adam Fish in a guest blog post about drone methodologies. Lost in the concern that the drone is an authoritarian instrument is the possibility that it might...
by Harriet Phipps | Dec 13, 2016 | Mobilities Journal
Includes diverse articles by Bonno Pel; Stefan Gössling and Iliada Stavrinidi; Simon Cook, Jon Shaw and Paul Simpson; Thomas Bjørner; Bradley Rink and Asher Gamedze; Gregg Culver and Lucrezia Lopez, Rubèn Camilo Lois González, Belén Ma Castro Fernández
by Harriet Phipps | Dec 13, 2016 | Mobilities - General, Projects
Dr Bradley L Garrett who was awarded a CeMoRe Visiting Fellowship for 2016/17 has worked closely with Dr Adam Fish, CeMoRe Associated and Senior Lecturer in Sociology on the question ‘Who owns the air above our cities? The public and the media are in danger of...
by Harriet Phipps | Dec 12, 2016 | Mobilities - General
Mobilities Reading Group Join us for a discussion this Wed Dec 14, 4-5pm (Mobilities Lab). Join in person or via skype. Reading Friction: An Ethnography of Global Connection by Anna Tsing. (Just the introduction!) PDF Abstract Challenging the widespread view that...
by Harriet Phipps | Dec 5, 2016 | Art, Experiments
What does the turn towards design and architecture within the ‘new mobilities turn’ mean? Ole B. Jensen, Professor in the Department of Architecture, Design and Media Technology at Aalborg University, has visited us to give the talk ‘Material Mobilities...