The mobilities lab is moving over to a new online booking system for research equipment! We are in the process of transferring to this system so please bear with us – we aim to keep all equipment available during this period. Equipment will be reserved and...
The Cemore reading group will next meet to discuss: Ole Jensen (2016) – Of ‘other’ materialities: why (mobilities) design is central to the future of mobilities research, Mobilities, 11:4, 587-597, DOI: 10.1080/17450101.2016.1211826. The link to this article:...
On April 21-22nd 2017 CeMoRe will host the inaugural conference of the new Palgrave Macmillan book series, Studies in Mobilities, Literature and Culture. The series directors – Charlotte Mathieson (University of Surrey), Marian Aguiar (Carnegie Mellon, USA), and...
Cemore’s Monika Büscher and Malé Luján Escalante will take the game isITethical to the Public Safety Communications Europe Conference in Munich, 3-5 May 2017. Abstract IsITethical? The Board Game: experimenting with ethical impact assessment as creative...
Cemore Seminar: Standing in a cold river for an hour, nervous explorations underground, scrubbing a handmade kayak and listening to a waterfall from the inside: just some of the things artist Nikki Pugh found herself doing over the last few months as she investigated...