Cemore has an established tradition of offering fellowships to scholars external to the university and we are delighted to be able to formally announce the arrival of our most recent fellows for 2017-2018. We welcome them all to Lancaster and hope that they find their...
Mobile Utopia Conference Storify Our Social Media Storify represents just one strand of the outcomes and reflections we are currently gathering from the Mobile Utopia conference held between 2nd- 5th Nov 2017 at Lancaster University. Follow the Mobile Utopia...
by Stephanie Sodero … What might the movement of blood look like in the future? More specifically how might blood transfusion and drone technology — both war dividends — intersect (Sandvik & Lohne 2014)? Here I explore four scenarios based...
This exhibition of 13 international artists, curated by Jen Southern, Emma Rose and Linda O Keeffe, is part of the conference Mobile Utopia: Pasts, Presents, Futures at the Lancaster House Hotel from 2nd-5th November 2017. The exhibition includes works in a diverse...
The second of our curated issues focusses on transport mobilities on land, sea and air; fast and slow: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rmob20/12/5?nav=tocLis The Velo-rution will not be ruralised: bicycle advocacy beyond the city limits Jai Cooper and Terry Leahy Hanoi...