by Harriet Phipps | Dec 19, 2017 | Mobilities - General
In this reading group we discussed a draft piece of Tauri Tuvikene’s paper: “Body-drivers” in traffic: Walking the Streets of Automobile City in Tallinn, Estonia. Tauri, present at the reading group, explained his paper’s current ideas and where he ultimately would...
by Harriet Phipps | Dec 11, 2017 | Mobilities - General
Lancaster’s Bronislaw Szerszynski recently attended Knowledge/ Culture/ Ecology 2017 (KCE) in Santiago, Chile, 15-18th November. The conference’s key aims were to explore current transformations in socioecologies and to generate knowledge practises capable of...
by Harriet Phipps | Dec 5, 2017 | Projects
Last week Cemore met with Lancaster’s James Faulconbridge to discuss his role in the new research project, AirCiF (Airport City Futures). Although still in the stages of development, the project’s design plans are underway, the team’s initial reflections that emerged...
by Harriet Phipps | Nov 29, 2017 | Humanities, Mobilities - General
Pete Merriman and Lynne Pearce, ‘Mobility and the Humanities’ Mobilities, 12 (4) 2017 Merriman and Pearce took ‘Mobility and the Humanities’ as an opportunity for ‘highlighting the “genre-defying” approaches of many leading mobility scholars whose work transcends any...
by Harriet Phipps | Nov 28, 2017 | Mobilities - General, Mobilities Journal
Image source: John Tornow ‘Globe’ Mobilities is proud to announce the most highly cited articles for current impact factor. These articles are testament to the original, theoretically-informed, international research that Mobilities seeks to address....