by Harriet Phipps | Dec 7, 2019 | Experiments, Projects
We’re planning a panel on Applied Mobilities and Mobile Methods at Im|mobile lives in turbulent times: Methods and Practices of Mobilities Research The conference takes place 9-10 July 2020, at Northumbria University. More soon here. For more information about...
by Harriet Phipps | Nov 8, 2019 | Migration, Projects
Summary: Contemporary healthcare systems assume that the people for whom they provide care belong to populations that are largely settled. Yet, we know that people are moving, with migration and health a challenging issue in contemporary society. How do health systems...
by Harriet Phipps | Nov 4, 2019 | Projects
Practices of car parking and the infrastructure of immobility Karol Kurnicki, Institute of Advanced Study, Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies, University of Warwick,, @karol_kurnicki CeMoRe Seminar, 12th November 2019, Bowland North B67 My...
by Harriet Phipps | Nov 3, 2019 | Mobilities - General, Projects
Will I never fly again? As I’m preparing a short talk on the compulsions of proximity and connected presence of academic flying, I’m re-reading Dede Boden and Harvey Molotch’s ‘Compulsion of Proximity’, Christian Licoppe’s...
by Harriet Phipps | Oct 22, 2019 | Mobilities - General, Mobilities Journal
Mobilities: August 2019 Issue 4 A curated collection on the theme of ‘digital technologies’: Digital navigation and the driving-machine: Supervision, calculation, optimization, recognition Sam Hind Anticipating digital futures: Ruins, entanglements and...