by Harriet Phipps | Apr 6, 2023 | Mobilities - General
Opportunity for PhD Students and Early Career Researchers CeMoRe 20th Anniversary Colloquium PGR/ECR Workshop Monday 17 July 2023 Lancaster University, UK Application Deadline: 5pm Friday 28 April 2023. Click here to apply. Contact: Lynne...
by Harriet Phipps | Mar 21, 2023 | Climate (Emergency Mobilities), Mobilities - General
On Friday 10th March CeMoRe was delighted to host Dr Stephanie Sodero talking about her new book ‘Under the Weather: Reimagining Mobility in the Climate Crisis’ in an online webinar. The event also featured fantastic insights from discussants Dr Mimi...
by Harriet Phipps | Mar 14, 2023 | Climate (Emergency Mobilities), Humanities, Mobilities - General, Projects
Connected Cumbria: Social Design and Business Click here to listen! This podcast explores social, digital and physical mobilities in Cumbria from a social design and business perspective. Nasser Bahrami, Social Analyst in the Cumbria Innovation Platform...
by Harriet Phipps | Mar 6, 2023 | Migration, Mobilities - General
Edited by Luis Eduardo Pérez Murcia and Sara Bonfanti Bringing together the voices of nine individuals from an archive of over two hundred in-depth interviews with transnational migrants and refugees across five European countries, Finding Home in Europe, a new...
by Harriet Phipps | Feb 22, 2023 | Art, Climate (Emergency Mobilities), Humanities, Migration, Mobilities - General
LANCASTER CENTRE FOR MOBILITIES RESEARCH [CeMoRe] 20th ANNIVERSARY (2003-2023) Programme of Events **F E B R U A R Y U P D A T E ** Academic year 2022-3 marks the twentieth anniversary of Lancaster’s Centre for Mobilities Research which was...