We are pleased to announce that the first DecarboN8 seedcorn funding call is now open for applications. For detail, visit the DecarboN8 Network Website. For a quick overview, see below.

For full details and application forms please visit our funding page.
The deadline for applications is 5pm (GMT) on Thursday 27 February 2020.
16 December 2019: Call opens
27 February 2020: 5pm (GMT) closing date for applications
05 March 2020: Panel
09 March 2020: Decisions announced
01 April 2020: Earliest project start date
For this first round of seedcorn funding, a total of £100,000 (£80,000 at 80% fEC) is available. Two further funding calls will be run in 2020 and 2021, where a further £300,000 (£240,000 at 80% fEC) will be available. Proposals are invited for projects of up to 6 months duration.
Applications are encouraged for activities such as:
- Exploratory research studies
- Secondary data analysis
- Comparative case study research
- Interdisciplinary activities such as workshops
As this is seedcorn funding, we would not anticipate funding a small number of very high value bids. Whilst we are not setting a maximum value, applicants should be aware that we expect to share the £100,000 between a number of smaller projects. Our aim is to support research that demonstrates a credible path to larger funding applications to the Research Councils, InnovateUK, or other sources. We are particularly keen to encourage new inter- and multi-disciplinary collaborations and to support the development of Early Career Researchers in this area.