Connecting Mobilities Research between the UK and South Korea: Narrating Mobilising, Experimenting and Engaging Mobilities for a Just Future

Project Details

Live Website

Project Dates: July 2022-July 2023

Project Lead at Lancaster:


UKRI South Korea Connections Grant 2022-23

Project Title

“Connecting Mobilities Research between the UK and South Korea: Narrating, Mobilising, Experimenting and Engaging Mobilities for a Just Future.”

In February 2022, three members of CeMoRe  – Lynne Pearce (ELCW), Nicola Spurling (Sociology) and David Tyfield (LEC) – were among a group of colleagues from Lancaster, Royal Holloway, Aberystwyth and Konkuk (in South Korea) Universities awarded funding to further develop their already well-established network of work in the rapidly-expanding subfield of mobilities and the humanities.

The Project PI is Peter Adey (Royal Holloway) and the Project Leads for Lancaster and Aberystwyth, Lynne Pearce and Peter Merriman respectively.

The project centres on an ambitious programme of events designed to promote collaborative research/publication as well as to identify future funding opportunities.

The events include:

  •  A two-day International Conference at Lancaster University, ‘Auto/biography, Mobilities and the Climate Emergency’  (7-8 July, 2022) led by Lynne Pearce and Nicola Spurling and co-sponsored by Konkuk.
  • A double-panel at RGS-IBS, University of Newcastle, on ‘Mobility and Aesthetics’ led by Peter Merriman and Sam Mutter (30 August – 2 September).
  • An online conference. ‘Performing Music, Mobility and Migration: Mobile Translations across Theory and Practice’ (September 13-14) led by Norbert Meyn, Royal College of Music.
  • The Annual Global Mobility Conference at the Academy of Mobility Humanities [AMH], Konkuk University, co-hosted by AMH, Royal Holloway and the University of Padua (October 2022).
  • A workshop at AMH Konkuk on ‘Myths of Mobilities and the Climate Emergency’ led by Nicola Spurling and David Tyfield (May 2023).
  • A workshop on ‘Education, Learning and Public Engagement’ at the University of Konkuk led by the AMH HK Mobility + Education Centre and involving CeMoRe PhD Student, Harriet Phipps (early May 2022).
  •  A two-day Summer School on ‘Engaged Mobilities for Social and Environmental Justice’ led by colleagues at AMH Konkuk, Royal Holloway, Aberystwyth and Padua. Activities include a workshop on receiving orbiting weather satellite transmissions led by Sasha Engelman (RHUL) with the open-weather artistic community (May/2023 – date TBC).
  • A seminar on ‘Plant Mobilities: Mobilising Objects, Mobilising Museums’, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, led by colleagues at Royal Holloway (July 2023 -date TBC).

If anyone is interested in participating in any of these events please contact Lynne Pearce (

Please note that travel and subsistence funds are available to support the participation of PhD Students and ECRs from the UK or South Korea to these events. Again, please contact Lynne if you are interested.