MoreIT Responsible Innovation and Digital Ethics

Project Details

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Project Dates: project ended

Project Lead at Lancaster:


MoreIT stands for Mobilising Responsible Innovation Transformation. It is a research group and consultancy based in the Centre for Mobilities Research, Department of Sociology, Lancaster University, UK. Our research focuses on responsible socio-technical innovation in transport, healthcare, public safety and disaster response (PPDR). More than 15 years of practitioner research in nationally and EU funded projects has produced a wealth of knowledge and expertise.

We have developed a range of research-based services to support collaborative socio-technical innovation and independent, impartial formative and summative evaluation with practitioners. We are part of standardisation efforts, for example for semiotic interoperability through Terminologies for Crisis and Disaster Management (CEN/WS TER-CDM -2017) and guidance for a digital ethics in collaborative information management through leading the isITethical? Exchange. We have developed creative ethical and privacy impact assessment methodologies.

Our work integrates standardised methods, such as the SATORI Ethical impact assessment framework (CEN CWA 17145-2 2017), and the DRIVER+ Trial Guidance Methodology. We have expertise in citizen engagement. We combine this with a Societal Readiness Levels Framework to increase the ambition and quality of innovation and thereby the degree to which innovations support acceptance.

Our services help shape responsible innovation, new ways of working and organisational, policy and regulatory transformations for good socio-technical futures in transport, healthcare and Public Protection and Disaster Response (PPDR).