What’s Mobile: Mobility Practices and Systems of Mobilities


Published by Harriet Phipps

Tuesday, June 21st, 2016

James Faulconbridge’s research focuses on the now central role of mobility in both day-to-day social life and in the reproduction of business practices.



Drawing on and contributing to work on the ‘mobilities turn’ in the social sciences, as well as work on concepts of practice and institutions, some of James’ recent projects include:

  • Research, funded by the Research Councils Energy Programme, examining the embeddedness of business travel in the work practices of engineering consultancy firms, as part of the DEMAND Centre
  • A Research Councils Energy Programme funded project focusing on mobility and the implications of disruptions to mobility for personal and business lives and for the carbon impacts of travel
  • A European Research Council funded network exploring ‘The Future of Business Mobilities’

This presentation was given during the event ‘CeMoRe Showcase and Lunch’.

James Faulconbridge is Professor at Management School. His research focuses principally on the professions, professional service firms, and knowledge-intensive services.

Photo: Laboratorio para la Ciudad

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