CeMoRe Mobile Kitchenette

image of the kitchenette in cemore's office space. with cupboards mounted on a red wall, positioned above mini fridges and a sink

Published by Nicola Spurling

Tuesday, November 10th, 2020

The first get together of CeMoRe’s new online group critique, coffee and informal chat session for staff and PhD students, the CeMoRe Mobile Kitchenette will take place on Weds 9th Dec 2020 11.00-11.45.

In these uncertain times we are missing out on the usual kitchenette coffees and chats so CeMoRe is forming an online version in an attempt to create a research community and space for informal constructive discussion about our research projects and writing.

In the first session Nikki Pugh, Jonnet Middleton and Abi Lafbery will introduce recent articles they have read or talks they have attended on the topic of ‘mobility justice’, and/or reflect on how mobility justice does or might feature in their own work. This is by way of getting a discussion going on mobility justice, what it is, and how it relates to all our projects (or not).

Just bring yourself, a drink and your conversation!

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